Consultation and diagnosis
Letting you know what we do
At the Gamma Knife Center you receive full detailed advice prior to treatment. This includes explaining the type and scope of your disease. We point out all therapy options to you – and not just treatment with our radiosurgery methods. You benefit from our many years of experience as radiosurgeons and operating neurosurgeons.
Our consultation aims to explain to you in the best possible way the treatment method, the success rate, and any potential side effects. We will also inform you about other treatment options. Following the consultation, you will have sufficient information to decide whether to go ahead with treatment at the Gamma Knife Center.
Starting with the indication
Initial contact with our Center is usually by phone. Our medically trained staff makes sure you have all the necessary documentation. If Gamma Knife treatment is indicated after the diagnosis, we get in touch with you and determine the next steps. Of course, you can also arrange a personal consultation where you submit all the documentation.
In any case there will be a detailed explanatory consultation at the Center with the attending physician to prepare you for the Gamma Knife treatment.
Everything we do is focused on you. That’s why we take enough time to explain to you and your loved ones all the questions that are important to you.