Side effects occur only rarely, depending largely on the treated clinical picture, the location of the diseased tissue, and the required radiation dose. For that reason, general statements are not possible. In the initial consultation we run through the possible side effects in detail in each individual case.
Regular checkups are important
Treatment does not remove the source of the disease, but inactivates or eliminates it. Therefore we need to check the treatment outcome and monitor whether side effects have occurred. New MRI images allow us to measure tumor volumes precisely and, in the case of vascular malformations, assess to what extent these have already been occluded.
While brain metastases usually shrink after six weeks, benign tumors take longer. Depending on the disease, we will arrange periodic checkups with you at anything from every six weeks to a year.
Apart from assessing the MRI images, we always perform a neurological examination. You can of course always discuss the results and the next steps with us in detail. Because several specialists usually treat our patients, it is very important for us to keep updated on treatments that other physicians provide.
If, contrary to expectations, the treatment was not effective or new tumors have developed, we will once again run through the therapeutic options with you. If side effects occur, we will explain whether treatment is required and take immediate action where necessary.
Treatment data and follow-up data are entered anonymously into a database, ensuring the patient in question cannot be identified. This provides us with large quantities of data relating to treatment, which also allows us to fine-tune the methods we use by scientifically analyzing this data.